Depression also apparently runs in my family, though I think it's partially mindgames. My grandmother has been treated for depression for decades. I think that her depression was impressed upon my mother and her siblings at an early age rather than being genetically handed down to them. This, of course, led to my mother passing on some of the same traits to my sisters and I, though it is my youngest sister that seems to have absorbed the most of it. A severe case of post-partom (sp?) depression mixed with a reaction to some birth control injection led the doctor (a general practitioner, after a 15 minute visit mind you) to diagnose her as bipolar and give her some heavy duty meds. I firmly believe she was misdiagnosed and the rise in depression and other related ailments is more related to the attitude and mannerisms of parents in a childs formative years.
I also firmly believe that most cases of depression and related ailments are more suitably treated by having a sitdown with a qualified shrink than by a bottle of pills. One of my sisters and I took this route, the youngest took the medicated route. Both my sister (who went to the pros) and I are leading productive lives making good money with great prospects. I am married, my sister not but she doesn't want to be just yet. My other sister is a single mother with no job living with a nice guy who she treats like shit... well, she is for now. Apparently she broke up with him for some unknown reason and now plans to move in with my wife and I. Great. I got to enjoy my new house for a month and now I have to put up with my sister and her kid.
Sorry for the rant. Depression is, in most cases, lifestyle. I can't say all because I am by far a qualified individual so I can only go by my own experience but I firmly believe that if one's parents show signs of depression in a childs early years then that person has a much greater chance of developing it.
Get off your fuckin cross. We need the fuckin space to nail the next fool martyr.