Originally Posted by DJ Happy
Israel's mere existence does not encourage attacks on the US, but Israel's current leadership (who is one of the most hated figures in the Muslim world, even before he was elected to power) and the US's support of him, does.
Anyway, the reasons for the invasion seem to have shifted again. Are you now saying that it was Saddam's public hatred of the US that was the justification for the invasion?
I am not "now" saying it, I've been saying it from the beginning. Hussein's regime stood as a shining example to all nations that the "worst" punishment they'd see from the US and UN from any action the took was to be sanctioned and allowed to rule indefinitely while controlling income from programs like "oil for food". Now, the worst punishment nations who support terrorism or "threaten" the US can face is regime change. That's a significant motivator for nations not to be caught working to undermine US stability or supporting terrorism.