Originally Posted by the_marq
I have a question about the whole story of Jesus. Well three questions actually.
First. According to what I have learned from "The Passion of the Christ," God so loved mankind that he gave his only Son to save them. Save them from what, sin? Couldn't God just say, I forgive you?
Second. What do they mean by "gave his only Son?" Mel Gibson made it abundandly clear that Jesus certainly suffered before he was murdered, but 3 days later he was fine. So it isn't like you or I giving up a child permenently.
Third. What happened to Jesus after the resurection? I have a vauge understanding of an impending "second coming" but what's that really all about?
Any insight would be appreciated.
First. God is pure and absolutely without sin. And the price of sin is death, there's no other way out of it. Jesus died for our sins, so we didn't have to. So anyone who believes in this and accepts it. Can receive what salvation offered to us by God through Jesus Christ's blood.
Second. There is God the father, God the son, and God the holy spirit. God is absolutely pure and 100% without sin, there was no reason for him to die, and sins are only forgiven with blood, so God the son said I will go and die in for them. It's not just as simple as him dying for us. He, a God who has done nothing wrong in his presence here, was subject to what man suffers through. Sin, mockery, temptations and such. He overcame it all. He definitely didn't deserve any of it. But he wanted to. When Jesus passed away on the Cross, he descended into hell to and defeated death and Satan by resurrecting. To show that he is in fact God.
Third. Jesus returned to heaven to build a new Earth. And the second coming is. As I know it... when everyone on Earth hears the message that is written in the Bible, Jesus will return to end Earth. And the saved will be dwelling in the Kingdom which God is preparing for us. And the lost, those who heard the message of God and refused it, will be casted into Hell to suffer(which i understand it to be, just pain and sorrow for not being able to be with God) And i am sure, in Hell all hope and light is completely non existant. You will feel sad at its utmost worst.
In my OWN personal belief, I believe that God loves everyone too much to indeed cast them into Hell. But who knows, He sent Lucifer there, who was his favored Angel. Not my fault that dumb angel tried to overthrow God.