Originally Posted by bud4
Mr. C, you seem to be 18 going on 30-something. That's a complement, by the way. Losing 20 lbs. a year is a great accomplishment, but staying the course for another 20 lbs. is more remarkable. Share your secret, please. 
My secret? Keep on at it, and plow on through the times where you don't lose any weight. Anything worth having deserves a fight. It takes time, and it isn't very fun at first. But soon enough, you'll get used to eating less (and more highly nutritious foods), and it'll become second nature.
Don't deprive yourself, though. That only leads to binge eating further on. I've had days when I've eaten very little, only to cram myself with food in the evening. I've learned from that, though.
If I want some high-calorie food, I'll have some. (I.E: When I have a craving for a certain food (chocolate, vietnamese, etc), I'll buy a *little bit* (NOT a jumbo-sized Oh Henry bar or anything like that) and go home.) I also don't take "advantage" (if you can call it that!) of two-for-one discounts on high-caloric foods, such as bags of chips and choloate bars. I find that drinking lots of water helps an awful lot, too.
Also, I go to the gym, and I enjoy the adrenaline rush that I get from it, and the feel-good reaction that lingers on for hours afterwards. Lifting weights helps me no end; it reduces my stress levels and makes me look buffer.
Hope this helps you! If you want more advice, feel free to PM me.
Mr Cassata