I find all races attractive but tend to date within my own, mainly because of cultural similarities. I want a lot of communication and "relating" from a boyfriend. Not everyone requires this intense a level of commonality. I can be kind of intellectually demanding, I guess, and tend to feel alienated pretty easily, so I look for people I can relate to on a lot of levels.
I've noticed that I tend to be more attracted to people who resemble me physically overall (not sure what this says about me). I tend to seek out guys who are not overly large, since I'm not, etc. Some women can be happy with guys who are very different than them, and even seem to get a kick out of it, but not me. This does not mean that I will not or have not gone with guys of "other" races - my last boyfriend (6 1/2 years) was Japanese-American, but then again I lived in Japan as a child.
I can easily see what's attractive about guys of other races and don't have anything against them for being a little different than me, but when it comes to deep, strong feelings of attraction I almost always end up with a similar type - blond hair, blue eyes. I'm more or less a redhead but started dating blond guys because they seemed more likely to have less body hair. Regardless, I'd have to say that personality and style are more interesting than hair or skin color.
Last edited by Squishor; 09-20-2004 at 06:59 PM..