Originally Posted by gcbrowni
That message appeals to the Kerry core, and not everyone believes it. (I, for one, think the Iraq situation is ok.)
Every poll about Iraq recently is the question "Who do you think can handle the situation in Iraq Better?" A lot of the talk on CNN is about who can fix the situation in Iraq. Things like "Bush caused this mess" or "This is Bush's Problem" or "Kerry would inherit the war and have to deal with it" are said all the time, every day.
How can anyone think the situation in Iraq is ok. The report came out saying the BEST outcome by 2005 is a tenuous stability, worst is civil war. HOW IS THAT GOOD?! 1000 americans dead, many times more wounded. Forces stretched thin, reservists over there. American civilian decapitated earlier today. HOW IS THIS GOOD?
A poll on Paula Zhan Now a half hour or so ago on CNN showed 78% people think that Kerry can handle the war in Iraq better than Bush. I think this is a direct result of Kerry's speach midday today. Kerry finally laid down his plan for Iraq, and a lot of people have responded. I'll be very interested to see a more diverse poll result in the coming week.