Originally Posted by Ustwo
I agree somewhat. I agree that homosexuality is a taboo, but in the context of a rational(ha!), civilized(allegedly) society taboos are unnecessary. We all have a conscious chioce in determining whether to question our perceptions and fit them to some kind of rational scaffolding. There is no rational basis for hating homosexuality and by extension homosexuals. There isn't even a rational basis to dislike it or them. There is no consistently rational basis for denying homosexuals the right to marry. I believe that an aversion to homosexuality would possibly be justified if homosexuality posed any sort of threat to the stability of our society. It does not, and i challenge anybody to prove, without silly stereotypes, that it does.
If you're correct than it says a lot about our species when we consistently choose outdated instinct over rational thought.
So stop the fucking presses, i empathize, somewhat, with the perspective of ustwo.