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Old 05-09-2003, 07:29 PM   #20 (permalink)
Location: The 7th Level..
I personally think this guy doesn't understand the difference between liberalism and laziness/bad judgement. I know it may pain people to think about it, but there IS a difference. My parents are liberal folk, raised us "liberally" but still taught us right from wrong.

Liberal is not synonymous with "Doesn't know the difference between right and wrong." This is my view, and nothing will ever change that. I wonder if the person who wrote this article has his own children. Either way, he doesn't have all the answers. There are people out there who try to teach their kids to live right regardless of what their political stances are. Politics and child-rearing are two different things, by the way.

This quote...

"But then again, because liberals have no absolute value system, they wouldn't know respect if it kicked them in the face (though the kicking part they seem to have down)."

is what I call absolutely ridiculous. The fact that this man has to resort to silly insults of people who think differently from him makes me think poorly of him. Saying that all kids who show their asses and act stupid because their parents are SO obviously and undeniably liberal is like saying that all kids who don't act like idiots and do stupid things were raised by conservative people with "values." There's no hardcore proof. If there is, I want to see it.

You know, maybe, just maybe there are some kids in this world that choose to act like they were raised by brainless organisms no matter how they were raised. This guy must believe that can't happen.

I understand that there are people in this world who could brush up on their parenting skills. I don't deny that. But to write an article saying that every bad kid in the world simply must have a liberal parent is absolutely ridiculous.

This guy doesn't know how the parents of those girls who took part in that hazing raised them. They all might have been raised differently, but regardless of how they were raised, they still decided it would be cool to terrorize those other girls. Unless he knows -exactly- how each and every girl who took part in the violence that day was raised, as well as every other bad seed you year about in the media, I think he needs a tall cold glass of shut-the-fuck-up.
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