Originally Posted by cooperricko
The Koran entertains the idea of suicide bombers living in Paradise with 40 odd virgins!! Now there's a good theory. That is writen down somewhere - supposedly as truth and straight from the horse's mouth. Can we conduct a quick poll to ascertain the numbers on that little idea
Unles you've read the Q'uran, I'd avoid making that assumption. Like any other piece of scripture, it can be abused and read in ways directly opposite of its intended purpose.
In general, I think it's far too easy for people to focus on the negative interpretations of scriptures and use that to denounce them. I can take almost any religion in the world and use a few interpretations of their sacred text to show that their religion is illogical, conflicting with what we know about the universe, and generally hateful and self-centered. Likewise, I can take almost any religion in the world and use a few interpretations of their sacred text to show that their religion is inclusive, logically fitting with our limited knowledge of existence and physics, and generally peaceful and caring. If you've already decided what you're looking for when you begin a search for truth, all you'll find is the truth that fits your own ideals.
Incidentally, I don't disagree that the Bible contains much myth. In fact, many theologians would agree (and many would disagree of course) with that, and I personally know many "faithful" people who would agree with that. That something is myth does not mean that it lacks truth.