So, I am a good way through my first family, that is, I started with a bachelor sim, he got married to Dina Caliente (Pleasantville) and had a daughter, though that didn't happen until much later, actually not until he became an elder. Anyways, I am beginning to plan for his death, which seems like a new experience in gameplay, that the amount that he contributes to the family, through cooking skills, schmoozing abilities, and, being retired has more time to get stuff done, will be sorely missed. I have not focused much on improving Dina's abilities, save what she needs in her career, and I am afraid she will be too old to attract another mate, leaving the kid alone during the day...
This rant is typical of the sort of dialogue I get into when describing sim antics to my girlfriend, who thankfully thinks it is interesting enough to listen, most games she gets the same glossy eyed stare I get when she talks about shoes or shopping.
My point is, I can imagine a really deep mid to late game with this, where the house, the family tree, and the paintings (I have done a few still lifes of family scenes) add significantly to the feeling of real legacy.
A couple of issues I have however, are:
No basketball hoop (sucks!)
No restaurants as a community lot (Can you build them? I haven't tried...)
Otherwise, I am quite happy overall, and realized that since I got this I haven't (until now) thought about City of Heroes at all. That is a good thing.