Originally Posted by Mantus
Polygamy, people marrying dogs, their siblings or mentally handicapped people being married are NOT part of the same issue. The government must determine the legality of each one a case-by-case basis. Please stop bringing absolutely irrelevant issues to this debate.
Disagree. Many people in support of gay unions/marriage insist that it should be allowed because marriage is between two people that love each other and wish to make a lifelong commitment. They argue that the sex of the two people in question is irrelevant.
It is, then, fair to ask if the species, age, quantity, or previous relation is relevant,
because it is a test of their definition of marriage and their reasoning for it.
Species is easy enough: sheep can't properly consent. So is age, and for the very same reason. But what of the other two, polygamy and incest? My tentative answer, although I don't (yet?) hold this position strongly, is that those relationships should be a legal option as well.
What about you?
I wanna add that children of gay parents (adopted, surrogate, insemenated.. whatever) are no more likely to become gay when they grow older than children of straight parents. Statistical fact.