Originally Posted by adysav
Do you seriously believe there is an answer for that on one of these forums?
??? If you want to start a different line of questioning, start a new thread. It's board policy, if i understand correctly, and common courtesy to boot.
What responsibilities do brother and sister have to each other exactly? And how do they prevent you from being a good spouse?
How about being someone who's supposed to have your back without trying to sleep with you? It's a rough definition...but i think it sounds about right.
Having a negative opinion is as good a reason as any. You don't expect everyone to just turn up and start praising gay people and what an atrocity it is that homosexual marriage is not treated equally do you?
I don't think I've ever been invited to a wedding. Like I said, people can keep their business to themselves and that's fine with me.
I've never been invited to the loss of a friends virginity, or the opening of their first bank account either.
Which is why i don't get why your posting. A group of people, not you, think its important to have weddings conducted in a community context. A group of people, not you again, are contesting for the meaning of those weddings. A group of people, still...not you, are trying to figure out what marraige means. So. Why are you posting? Not that you don't have something interesting to say. I've never heard anything quite like it. But your logical position seems to point towards a pattern of disengagement, not action. You don't care for marriage, and the public ramifications, and think that it should be private. So...why make a public dispute of it? If you aren't being invited, etc...why is it that you seem to care so much?
Why does public knowledge of your arrangements with someone make the slightest bit of difference to other people except those you explicitly want to tell? Why make an outward show of it?
From the very beginning of the church, marriage was considered a sacrament...and instance in which a outward action reflected indwelling of God's grace. While i have no desire to have my wedding on TV or in the nation press...i would like it recognized by the church of which i'm a part. This doesn't strike me as particularly attention getting, or showy. I'd like to know why you seem to think it is.
Originally Posted by halx
I would begin to question the merits of said religion. It sounds like a lecherous force to me.
This does seem to be a guilt by association arguement. I would also dispute that it is only religion that is fueling homophobia.