Rest, plenty of fluids, all that, as Maleficent says. If your nose is blocked, instead of some nasal spray drink a big glass of warm water (16 oz or so) with 12 drops of tobasco or other strong red pepper sauce blended in. Dilates all the passages, makes you breathe easier.
While I prefer not to take over-the-counter cures, a good night's sleep is the best medicine for a cold. And if stuffiness or coughing keep you from sleeping well, go ahead and take one of those overnight cold remedies. Yes, they make you drowsy, but that's the point. And they also make you more comfortable, so you can sleep. If you can get a good night's sleep every night, you can shorten that cold by half. Just don't take such drowse inducing medications _during the day._
Last edited by Rodney; 09-19-2004 at 01:50 PM..