I dont really have a fundamental problem with dating any ethnicity. however, I dont find really dark skinned girls attractive, and I dont like girls who are "ghetto" in their mannerisms, voice or appearance. This rules out alot of black girls that I meet.
Ive dated three girls: two white girls, and one arab girl (bangladesh)-current.
In my opinion, asian/latin/arab girls are by far the most attractive.
I dont like girls who are "culture minded" because I abhor cultural and religous traditions with no practical purpose. The girl from bangladesh revokes her culture, but still has two muslim traditions ingrained into her: no pork, and no alcohol. Her dislike of pork has deteriorated as time has gone on, and im sure one day, her alcohol intolerance will (Its more of a rejectance of the religous tradition that I am looking for rather than the actual consumption of alcohol, I'd be just as happy if she drank something that she thought was alcohol)