Whatever happened to the vengeful and proactive God that we see in the Genesis quote on the page you referenced.
This is off topic. So i won't respond here. Feel free to read Whosoever, or ask elsewhere in the forum.
I don't feel I have a duty to my family, if you do that's fine.
You had asked why it was wrong from a Christian standpoint, if i'm not mistaken. I answered...
And no, possible break up is not the core of my arguement. Even if you are a good spouse, i don't think that at the same time you can be a good sibiling or cousin or whatever...to a close family member. The roles have starkly different responsibilities...to suceed at one means failure at the other.
To be brutally honest with you, I don't like homosexuality. I don't care much for heterosexual marriage either.
Then why show up in a thread about either? Do you hang out in threads about straight marraige and get this involved, too? Do wedding invites come as insults to you?
As i've talked about before...i feel that marriage is not just about closed doors. I'm not going to ask you to get married, or to show up for mine. Fair enough?