Thanks to Asaris and Willtravel for pointing out the apparent falsities and faults in my post. I was probably expecting some respect for my point of view - which is what I provided you in your postings.
Looking closer my view point was that "unless you were there - at that time " it would be virtually impossible for anyone to speak with any authority on the matter. This includes "facts" in historical writings. No matter how educated or learned one is, one can only make up their mind and develop a viewpoint using pre-programmed moral indicies, logical thought processes and community influence.
It is not logical for a dead person to arise.
It is not logical for the 6 odd billion on the planet to be descendant from Noah and the kids.
It is not logical for a group of 200 to walk across the Red Sea.
Once a person starts to free think it is amazing how many will arise from their myopic couches and decry the theory or thought.
By the way, who set the counter back to zero when Christ was born? My understanding ( please correct me if I am wrong ) is that the modern day year count started by a Ceasarian edict. I just don't comprehend that someone said " Oh!, Chist has just been born - let's make this year 1 !