I'm not married but I am in an open relationship so...
1) Do you love your spouse? More than anything!
2) Do you get jealous at all when your spouse has sex with another person? Only the first time
4) Do you think there is someone else out there that you might meet some day that you would prefer to have a "conventional" marriage with? no way. I'll stick to Loverboy
5) Do you intend to be in your current marriage forever? If so, do you intend to keep it open forever? I don't want anyone else but Loverboy and I'll keep it open as long as it's working.
6) What does being married bring to you that "just dating" doesn't? my realtionship gives me comfort, safety and love. Dating does not.
7) Are there some people you prefer to have sex with rather than your spouse? Nope. Loverboy is a Sex God
8) Are you always honest with your spouse about who you sleep with? Of course! If we're not honest about this it'll never work out
9) Does it make a difference if your spouse doesn't tell you who he/she sleeps with during your marriage? Of course. If he feels like he has to hide something from me I'll get distrustful and then it'll never work out. Trust and honesty are the keywords in an open relationship.
10) Please define what "open marriage" means to you in a personal sense / 3) Do you prefer your current situation over a "conventional" marriage? Yes I most definitely prefer it like this! It gives me freesom to explore and allows me to outlive my sexual urges. An open relationship allows multiple partners and thresomes. One's sexual life is bound to never be boring or trivial which is the killer of many marriages/relationships.