The old saw is; "Why do you carry a .45 acp?" answer, "Because there isn't a .50 acp". Well, there is a .50 S&W now if that is what floats your boat. But, the point has been made several times in this thread that what ever caliber you choose, YOU must be able to shoot it accurately. What has not been emphasized is that because most handguns are weak energy deliverers as compared to rifle and shotguns, the way to make up for that is several followup shots to the center of mass. Those shots must be accurate and quick. Also, BGs come at you more than just one at a time. Controllability, quickness and accuracy of the subsequent shots to the initial shot are musts. Find the handgun that you KNOW that you can do just that and get the best ammo available for it. Don't get lost in the quibble about caliber vs. caliber.