you're right.. your friend is cool, I just didnt want two people questioning Spleens reasons for the edit. So he's fine. You on the other hand are adifferent story. If you like the community here, you'll learn to play by the rules.If you dont like it, then you are welcome to hand out at those other forums you like so much. As staff here we are responsible for looking out for everyone, and these types of general etiquette rules go for all of us. Admins,mods, members..everyone! I've been edited for doing the exact same thing before i was a mod, but i didn't question the decision by the people in charge, let alone publicly challenge it. You need to learn the pecking order around here. So until I am informed otherwise by MY supriors.. consider yourself PUIBLICLY WARNED
and .. im locking this thread because no one is talking about the damn game. IF you have a problems with it.. do like so many others have done.. and PM me your concerns.