Originally Posted by pan6467
After reading this and knowing Kerry's gone pretty much a week focusing on issues and keeping quiet and his poll #'s are increasing, I had to shake my head.
I have now come to the conclusion that some higher up Dems in the DNC want Kerry to lose or the RNC is playing Mcauliffe and some others like a violin.. They want to keep the focus where it doesn't hurt Bush it hurts Kerry. Kerry's gaining soooo guess what throw cheap scandal at Bush and Kerry's numbers will drop again.
Did you zone out that whole 60 Minutes/National Guard/Fake Memos thing? That has clearly been the focus of the past week - to his credit, Kerry didn't go there - so if his numbers are "increasing" (but really, it was just Bush's bounce evaporating), they did so while the attention was being placed on an issue that, according to you, "hurts Kerry".