Originally Posted by adysav
Going on further, should I be allowed to marry my dog?
After all the exterior shell does not matter if I love my dog and she loves me.
If your dog is capable of critical thought and communicating complex ideas through language, than by all means. Otherwise that's kind of an irrelevant position to take. I'm hope you're aware of the fundamentally different dynamics involved in interspecies relationships.
I still haven't heard any actual reason why the definition of marriage should be preserved to mean a penis and vagina commitment before god rather than a commitment before god. Haven't heard any reason beyond, "Well, because that is how we've always done it" Haven't heard any reason beyond, "Well, because that is how we've always done it" Haven't heard any reason beyond, "Well, because that is how we've always done it" Haven't heard any reason beyond, "Well, because that is how we've always done it" Haven't heard any reason beyond, "Well, because that is how we've always done it" Haven't heard any reason beyond, "Well, because that is how we've always done it" Haven't heard any reason beyond, "Well, because that is how we've always done it" Haven't heard any reason beyond, "Well, because that is how we've always done it" Haven't heard any reason beyond, "Well, because that is how we've always done it" Over and over and over and over again.
The real mystery is...
Is there a reason at all?