Originally Posted by jconnolly
Which is a relatively new development in Canada, Ustwo. In 1998/9, it tended towards 80% satisfactory. Paul Martin has promised the 41 billion needed to take certain bills (pharmacare particularly) off the shoulders of the provinces, which will allow them to reduce waiting times and improve hospitals overall.
Since it is
illegal to get private health care in Canada and many Canadians travel to the US for health care to avoid waits, pain, dying, that sort of thing, how much worse do you think it would get in Canada if the US also had the same kind of system? There would no longer be the saftey valve and critical need patietns would no longer be able to seek care elsewhere but instead would be forced to wait the months it takes to get urgent care. About the only winner in this is Mexico since they would see 1000's of private health care clinics open for US citizens fleeing our program just like Canadians flee theirs.
Canada is running out of money for health care, and it is only going to get worse with an aging population who will not be working to pay those taxes, and getting sicker. Soon it will be the ONLY issue in Canadian politics.