Socialism and Communism were designed as forms of economys, not governments, just like Capitalism, Feudalism.
Republics, Democracies, Monarchies, Despotisms are all specifically forms of government that are usually associated with specific forms of economy. Mostly, Republics and Democracies are associated with capitalism.
In China and the USSR, Socialism and to an extent communism were practiced as the economy with a oligarchy or dictatorship as the form of government (basically despots, secular monarchies).
A democracy, or realisticaly, a democratic republic, ruling over a country with a social or social capitalistic economy is what the left wants in the USA.
Further, true communism does not require a government. It is designed to work with "commu"nities in which people do the stuff people do in communism. I think it's possible that with a lot of practice in small communities, it'd be possible for people to learn how to be communists in large communities. Unfortunately, that would require something that destroys most of the world so that small communities would have to grow to large communities, a la Star Trek.