Going on further, should I be allowed to marry my dog?
After all the exterior shell does not matter if I love my dog and she loves me.
Originally Posted by :::OshnSoul:::
a) that's judgement
b) because what I may think is okay, someone else may not
No one HAS to do it- we choose to. I don't judge becuase it's petty, unfair, and I would not wish judgement upon me. It doesn't matter- we all have our own beliefs and morals, we are all different, but underneath I know we are all the same. Look at the big picture.
a) Who decided that judging some else was a bad thing?
b) That is the whole point of this debate.
You do judge people, you're only human. If you have never passed judgement on another person because something they said or did or didn't do then you are in a tiny minority (of 1). I suppose you don't have any friend, because to do so you would have to make judgements about who you do and don't like and why. Maybe you just love everyone unconditionally.
Originally Posted by Jesus Pimp
Homosexuality is found in nature, so how can it be philisophically wrong?
So is murder...