The character creator was quite limited, I was a little disapointed. Till I figured, if they have put in a more extencive Create a Player. Then that would have asked for more hardware power. I'm not saying
lots of power. Just the fact that your machine would have to decifer more varities of characters. It would have to account for every ones slight height adjustment. People variation in hair or body color. Depending on how complex they got it would cause lesser machines to lag. Basicaly it all comes down to porformance of machines. I'm not trying to say im satisfied with the limited choices. Just that i understand why so limited, and hopefuly others do to. Hope that made sense.
After playing for a while though, players started looking more and more different. Espicaly when people started mixing to other lands. But atlast i would have like to see some more hair styles, and faces in there. I am way to torn on this, in one hand i would like better porfomence, then on the other, i would like a more extencive create a player. Hehe, i don't know, im confusing my self on the subject.