Originally Posted by smooth
you see, nanofever, it's because the US is ethnically diverse that state-sponsored health care won't work.
That's actually a new one for me--didn't even see that one raised in the "politics of health care" thread.
I've heard it from conservatives before.
It goes something like this:
Any form of socialism found in European societies is not compatible with American society because America's borders are far more open and this leads to more poor people coming into the country. That results in a superior number of poor people within the society and since we all know that poor people breed like rabbits, this would create a massive destabilization due to the increase in financial requirements of the vastly superior number of poor.
Of course, if you believe all that I got a bridge to sell ya. It's drapped in a big ol' flag, comes with a life-time supply of Bud lite and a pick-up with a shotgun rack.