Originally Posted by smooth
you see, nanofever, it's because the US is ethnically diverse that state-sponsored health care won't work.
That's actually a new one for me--didn't even see that one raised in the "politics of health care" thread.
I don't think socialism works all that well in Sweden, and I think it will fail there, though it will fail there last. Germany and France will fail prior. If you don't understand why the concept of welfare is so much different in the US vrs Europe I can't help that. Europe is just begining to see the 'welfare' classes that we have enjoyed in the US for the last 30 years. Imagration of non-contributing people have hurt it as well. While I have been waiting for a major left wing trend in the US, my socialist friends fear a right wring reactionary shift in the socalist powers of Europe as their system is strained and services must be cut.
Look how many people voted for Jean-Marie Le Pen.