Digital Camera- What's the best, smallest digicam?
So my Canon S40 broke about a half year ago. Sence before this accident though, I've been looking for something smaller. I frequent and am yet to find a really small camera that can take 'acceptable' pictures. I figured it might be impossible to go so small and still retain quality, however a guy at Circuit City said that new technology is coming out that involves "vertical lenses" that are helping the super-slim cameras take good pictures.
So do I need to wait longer for a camera to come out or is there a decent camera out there that I'm missing? I really like the size of the Sony T-something, the really thin one, but I've heard bad things with it's flash and overall image quality. I like the quality of the Canon S400 and S500 but it's a little too big for what I want.
I'm getting antsy here but don't want to wind up with a slim POS if possible. I'm basically looking for a camera that can take decent scenery pictures, as well as good people-pictures. Nothing professional, but I'm coming from an S40 that I liked so I'm worried that I'll be unhappy with the picture quality
Edit: I'm not trying to find the smallest camera for the cheapest price. If anything I plan to spend a lot. I'm trying to find out if there's a very small camera (Smaller than the Canon S500's) that can put up any kind of competition.
Thanks for any info guys.
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--Acknowledge your weaknesses--
Last edited by -Ever-; 09-29-2004 at 02:05 PM..