A good way of determining if something should be supported is by imagining what would happen if everyone was doing it.
You want to base your approach to a segment of the population by hypothetically homogenizing the population in that segment's fashion? Well then, let's get rid of rich people who sit on their ass all fucking day. Furthermore, what's this about "some artificial insemination cases?" Imagine a society of homogenic homosexuality (no pun intended) where artificial insemination is suddenly
the booming business. Whilst half the population (gay men) can't reproduce, the other half (lesbians) now can produce twice as much offspring as the tradional couple (man/woman). I *could* be wrong, but I don't think that being homosexual detracts from a desire to raise children.
Gays want to have the same preferential treatment the government gives to the traditional marriage concept, and that is not right.
While you're at it, outlaw marriages between two people who don't actually love eachother. I'm pretty sure that loving your partner is a feature of the "traditional marriage concept." Also, what is "not right" about granting health care coverage to the same-sex spouse of a worker who works just as hard as another employee with a opposite-sex spouse?
Marriage is a clear term which signifies the union of a man and a woman.
A term's definition is created by it's usage. Apply marriage to the union of man and man, or woman and woman, and Marriage becomes a clear term which signifies the union of two humans.