I don't think this is to advanced for us, so I will chime in with my two bits.
First, I find it funny how ustwo etc. are both in favor of and against tight regulations on the same issue.
Against nationalizing health care, but for restricting the free markets right to use.
The problem I see with large cashouts for malpractice and me seeing the state of health care in dire need of an overhaul are the same issue.
I see two main points.
Doctors who are negligent are allowed to continue to "practice their love" on americans. They drive up other doctors premiums.
And that has a lot to do with the state of the health care "free market" Hospitals work for profit, but there isn't really a free market there. Hospitals are built for coverage, not competition. So if there is a badly managed hospital in your area you are just screwed. This is anecdotal (I can find you sources if you want) But hospitals are poorly run. They are understaffed, in both nursing and doctors. This understaffing results in sloppy work, hurried and jaded employees. I believe this directly results in the gruesome results that end up being multi-million dollar settlements like improper birthings that result in cerebral palsy (John Edwards specialty) to wrong legs getting amputated and sponges, syringes, knives being sewn into patients.
Nationalized health care will be run at no profit, and will be staffed properly. John Kerry's plan is to have the same health care plan that the president and legislature enjoyes applied to all americans. I think that's a good thing. That's the solution the problem of tort reform. Big settlements will still come and go, but overall the quality will rise.