Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
Lastly ( and please do not interpret this as a threat against yourself ) the Second Amendment has -nothing- to do with hunting, target-shooting, or any other "Sporting purpose." It's intended, stated purpose is to provide for a heavily armed Citizenry, in the event that the Government were to grow too powerful and tyrannical. As a consequence, "Assault weapons," machineguns, RPGs, etc etc etc are totally -CONSTITUTIONALLY- legal for citizens to own. Any laws which infringe upon this right are illegal, null, and void. Any officer or official who enforces said laws is violating their Oath Of Office.
In that case, let's keep the example in the same class of distinction. rather than bopping over to homosexual marriage.
Why does that line of logic not declare prohibiting felons from firearms as null, void, against the natural law, and etc?
Or would you support a removal of such restrictions?