Actually, yes. I support Gay marriage, as I believe that the State has no cause to be in the marriage buisness.
Armor-piercing ammo: Anything can penetrate anything else if it's moving fast enough. A plane-Jane 30-06 softpoint will punch through anything up to III-A, and 30-06 Ball will penetrate IV-A, if I'm not mistaken. "Armor peircing" ammunition is not limited to "Assault weapons." My single-shot Contender G2 can fire AP-06 ammo with a tungsten-carbide core which will penetrate any wearable body armor on the planet: A level-IV vest will stop the steel-cored stuff, but not tungsten.
Point is, "Assault weapons" are no deadlier to police than any other firearm.
Lastly ( and please do not interpret this as a threat against yourself ) the Second Amendment has -nothing- to do with hunting, target-shooting, or any other "Sporting purpose." It's intended, stated purpose is to provide for a heavily armed Citizenry, in the event that the Government were to grow too powerful and tyrannical. As a consequence, "Assault weapons," machineguns, RPGs, etc etc etc are totally -CONSTITUTIONALLY- legal for citizens to own. Any laws which infringe upon this right are illegal, null, and void. Any officer or official who enforces said laws is violating their Oath Of Office.