Saw it last night. Here's a review I e-mailed to a friend. Spoilers of various sorts are in here.
Visually, I really enjoyed it. Especially the NY scenes. I enjoyed the muted-technicolor thing. I read that the director wanted to do all b&w but was told foreign distributors wouldn’t go for it. I thought that overall, it was a visually stunning flick.
That being said, I couldn’t decide what the movie was trying to achieve. I thought the humor was excellent – there were some really funny, unexpected lines, like Spoiler: the very last one of the film, which was AWESOME, or when Polly said she shot the ground while she was running. But there was a lot of unintentional humor in it too. A lot of the lines were very campy but I didn’t feel like the movie was winking to the audience and giving us the vibe that they were trying to be campy. It just felt serious, and as a result, I laughed at a lot of things that I don’t think they wanted us to laugh at.
Plot wise, it was stupid. They didn’t really resolve anything and while Spoiler: the last line made me okay with the ending, I was really surprised that the movie didn’t reach some kind of resolve in New York. The first 30 minutes really made me feel like this was a “New York” movie (the same kind of feel I got from Ghostbusters, actually), and I wanted it to return to that half past, half future world.
There was really very little chemistry between Paltrow and Law. And I saw really no point in Angelina Jolie at all, I felt it was more a waste of her talents and just an excuse to get another big name involved.
At other times I thought the movie was shamelessly derivative of other movies: Metropolis, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park – even the soundtrack sounded like John Williams, who did those last three (plus Superman).
Overall, though, it was still a fun movie. I had a good time. I’m glad I didn’t pay $10 to see it, but I was definitely entertained.
You have to laugh at yourself...because you'd cry your eyes out if you didn't. - Emily Saliers