Sniffle Sniffle
So when I'm in the Chicago office, there's a person over the cube farm wall who is a snorter, I'm at a different company today, and there's a person behind me that's a snorter. I don't understand this.
If your nose is runny - I mean seriously, big juicy boogers by the sound of the snorfle, wouldn't it be easier to use a tissue and blow your freakin' nose. Is sniffling a turn on for people that they actually enjoy it and it gives them some sort of pleasure? Otherwise I can't think of a reason to do it.
There's a box of tissues not 2 feet from this woman, why not extend her arm, put tissue to face and blow... I mean really blow... The coughing she's doing is post nasal drip, you can tell by the sound of the cough, and I'd bet anything she'd stop coughing if she'd only blow her goddamn nose.
This is a very unattractive thing that people do, not that I'm an expert on attractiveness, it's also annoying the everlovin' crap out of me... The sound ranks up there as most annoying... and it doesn' have to be.
Plus that she's not covering her mouth whenever she coughs.... Germs Germs everywhere....
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