Originally Posted by onetime2
How would this person fool the press scrutiny, FBI/CIA/every other intelligence agency in the world's investigations, etc that a run for the Presidency entails?
Then when he/she becomes President all those checks and balances written into the Constitution would also have to somehow become irrlevant for it to make a difference.
And, on top of that, he/she would have to be pretty convincing to get the Congress and American public behind the plans of the enemy state this person is loyal to.
Really, you mean like the mud being thrown now? People believe what they want to believe. If we allow a foreigner to run and someone comes out (even with cold hard proof) that the man has worked for say, the Chinese government 20 years ago, but yet he is loved enough by the people it looks like he will be elected, people will say it's just mud, it doesn't matter. So I don't buy into what you're saying. If the press found something.... "Well the press is biased."
It's what we are heading for. We are desensitizing ourselves to scandals and someday soon someone with some truly bad mojo may run and the scandals will be ignored because we are so tired and used to mud and scandals we don't read or care anymore.... (not talking VietNam scandals... these Bush and Kerry things are BS and everyone knows it.)
However you stick to an issues only race and people find out real fast where you stand.
I still contend if we have to go outside to find our leader we may as well hang it up. Does any other country (except Isreal, but all Jews are considered citizens) allow a non natural citizen to run for their leader? Does Canada? NO you have to be Canadian. Does Australia? No you have to be Aussie. Does the UK? no, maybe back in the days of the monarchy but no you'll never see a german born PM in the UK.
Checks and balances? That's hysterical, if a president wanted to fuck us up all he would have to do is disband the military, or send all of them into a foreign war and leave our shores wide open. By the time we realized what happened and tried to impeach him it would be over. (Very very paranoid thought there .... but again why allow that thought to even be thereby allowing the scenario to be a possibility?)