Originally Posted by irateplatypus
you're grossly oversimplifying.
first of all, there are many people who have no qualms with homosexuality but maintain that the institution of marriage is something separate. are these people biggots because they won't change the label of an institution as old as civilization to suit the current political climate?
secondly, the bigot word is thrown around too much these days. just because someone condemns something that you do not does not make them a bigot necessarily.
i don't think i am. before the civil rights movement a large majority of americans were against interracial marriage, it was seen as immoral and dangerous and the bible was often used to justify this belief. i fail to see a difference between this and the current resistance to gay marriage. in both cases you have a bunch of people who are afraid of change (And i don't blame them, change is scary) and who are butting into other people's bedrooms in order to stop it. who someone else chooses to love or fuck is none of your business and it does not effect your life.