Originally Posted by irateplatypus
you're grossly oversimplifying.
first of all, there are many people who have no qualms with homosexuality but maintain that the institution of marriage is something separate. are these people biggots because they won't change the label of an institution as old as civilization to suit the current political climate?
secondly, the bigot word is thrown around too much these days. just because someone condemns something that you do not does not make them a bigot necessarily.
It certainly has been a while since we had one of these gay threads, hasn't it?
I've heard the "marriage as a seperate institution" argument before. What i haven't heard is a logically sound basis for this argument. You can't argue for it from a sense of tradition, because the only traditional aspect of marriage is the fact that every society defines marriage differently depending on what is convenient for them. Marriage has traditionally been a transfer of property. Marriage has traditionally been the only means by which to have righteous sex. Marriage has traditionally been a means of subjugating the rights of women. Marriage in america is, mostly, none of these things. How can it be traditional?
The argument could be made for the seperation of marriage and gay on the basis of biology. Two guys can't have a kid, right? To be consistent though, you would have to advocate a fertility test be included in the prerequisites for getting a marriage licence to make sure only those who could actually bear children are allowed to marry. Which is completely fucking absurd.