still struggling with a sense of alienation generated by this surrogate journal-form.
i think it is the lack of distance.
this announcement is simply bizarre:
everything about it is bizarre, from the origin point of the story onward.
the collective seems to be interested in moving further into soundscape fabrication, which translates into acquiring even more tape recorders, but of a higher quality.
i am reading daivd toop's new book "haunted weather" --which i am using for one of my classes----and which is, more or less coincidentally, about some of the outer frontiers of soundscape recording and manipulation.
i would recommend it--a diverting, engrossing read that raises more interesting questions than it actually addresses.
which is sometimes what is required.
for some reason it is becoming even more obvious that a sound image can be understood with equal weight falling on both terms.
if you see the sound image, you can manipulate elements on visual grounds, use visual prompts as logic in themselves, and not just as ways to organize the sonic elements.
on the other hand, sometimes i wonder if the reason i do not think i have ever had acid flashbacks is that they are continuous and spread out, so do not announce themselves as such. i might well live in one. so i cant be sure.
sorry to hear of the dental ordeal, art--glad that you are on the mend.
maybe i'll start to comment on other journals, now that we are all in an explicitly public space, on the weekend.
between then and now, i will have had the enormous privilege of seeing ornette coleman perform. i cannot tell you how exicted i am about this. the excitement distracts me.