I got tired of reading posts about halfway down, and I hope somebody didn't already write this:
Why do you assume that evil exists? Isn't it more likely that evil is a human construction? We're one species among MANY and what's evil for us is pretty good for other species and, perhaps, for the maintenance of the earth. What we see as evil is not necessarily objectively evil. I suppose this is a variation on the "We can't know God" objection, but it's one that you don't address in your opening posting.
Hell, didn't we get kicked out of the garden of eden because one of us (bitch) tried to OBTAIN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL? Obviously that knowledge isn't something that we're supposed to have. I'm not a christian, but did the bible ever say that we actually GOT that knowledge? So we humans are trying to organize the world by good and evil - maximizing what we think is good and minimizing what we think is evil, obviously - but it's not at all clear that we should live by such categories. In fact, despite what Dubya and the christian crusaders say, the bible seems to make it clear that the drive to point out evil got us in serious fucking trouble with the big guy up there.
So there's my response: evil doesn't exist as such, the IDEA of evil only exists as a temptation for human beings who have fallen from the ideal. The idea of evil is a human construction, and a highly destructive one at that.