Originally Posted by Averett
Huh?? You've been trying to keep yourself from getting too attached TO YOUR WIFE? That's just... fucked up to say it plainly.
You two both have real big problems. With yourselves and with eachother. What you need to do is sit down with her, either alone or with a counsler and have a frank and honest discussion on if you really want to make the marriage work.
Yeah that sounds worse then what I ment. I have had problems in the past where I get so attached that when the girl left I was so crushed I wanted to die. After that happened a couple times and I realized how big a pussy I was being I decided not to get so "attached" to someone. I don't want to get hurt like that again, and by bracing myself for something like this knowing that girls her age and in this type of situtation often tend to do things like this and I don't want it to destroy me. Which I think would happen anyway now.
She got home a bit ago and was really upset. She was saying that this is not what she wanted and she was really sorry for what she was doing to me. Apparently she was out drinking with friends from work and was too drunk to drive home. so she crashed at someones house. But before she passed out she almost had sex with some new guy at work. she said they made out and she wanted to do something but could not bring herself to do it. So now I am going to have to figure out what we need, a separation? or just some marrage counciling and move back in with my parents till we get things sorted out. I hope that she is not just saying all this cause she feels bad. you know every time you get drunk you swear it the last time. I just hope that she will still want to work on us next week and the week after that and so on, ya know?
Thanks guys for listening and for your advice. Its nice to have some peeple out there that care and want to help.