West Wing -- Two Cathedrals. Mrs. Landingham's funeral and the President announcing he has MS and deciding at the last minute that he's going to run for a second term anyway, the moment when "Brothers in Arms" comes in and all the staff lining up together behind the President to stand with him no matter what.
Friends -- The One with the Embryos. Ross makes up the trivia game. Brilliantly written and the comedic acting is some the best that cast ever did.
ST:NG -- Scipio, Yesterday's Enterprise is pretty great, but I like Clues (where they lose a day and try to figure out why), Genesis (when everyone on the ship mutates into crazy animal hybrids) and the one where Worf is coming back from the tournament and is shifting through alternate realities. Also, I guess Cause and Effect, when the ship is trapped in the loop. I suppose I just like the mystery episodes.
Sopranos -- Like Troublebot said, Pine Barrens, third season, when Paulie and Christopher are trapped in the woods. I didn't even see that reccomendation until I'd picked my favorite; it really is a great ep.
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