Originally Posted by irateplatypus
i hate to take this into Tilted Politics type stuff... but it must be pointed out that US government makes no judgement whether or not homosexuality is wrong. the state cannot make moral judgements, only determine whether an act is lawful or not. a legal act is "right" within the context of the state... and illegal one is "wrong". homesexuality is not unlawful. thus, the state makes no judgements on the right or wrongness of the act.
Well, actually many states do have anti-homosexuality laws. many are in the form of stating what positions and orifices are legal and illegal, I know that in Tennessee, or maybe it's just Knox county, it is illegal to have oral sex. I do no that many states have anti-sodomy laws. I don't know what laws are in place for lesbian sex.
So it may not be illegal for you to be a homosexual, but in many states it is illegal for you to practice that homosexuality.
I'm not saying that people abide by these laws, I'm just saying that they are there, and it's not just limited to banning gay marriages