Northern Exposure: the first-season episode in which Chris finds out he has a black half-brother (Bernard). Neither of them realize they're related to one another until they share a dream in which both of them get a ride in a semi driven by Carl Jung.
Simpsons -- the episode in which Homer has strange visions after eating chile con carne made with hallucinogenic chile peppers.
Angel -- "Are You Now, or Have You Ever Been?" A flashback to the '50s and the McCarthy era, and kind of an allegory for that whole era. Brilliant.
Dead Zone -- Episode in which Johnny tries to have sex for the first time since waking up with psychic powers. He can't get it up because old lovers and friends keep walking into the room (in his visions) and talking to him. Even his mom! Painfully funny.
The Chronicle -- short-lived series on Sci-Fi about a lurid tabloid in which all the stories are true; best episode is a trip to a convention of vampire Elvis impersonators, in which the King himself shows up to dust them all.
Strangers with Candy -- the final episode, when the teachers torch the high school.