OK. First off, this is NOT a trailer.
This is a demo reel that Robert Rodriguez put together to try and convince Frank Miller to let him direct the full movie. Miller didn't want Sin City made into a movie for fear that Hollywood would fuck it up. Imagine that.
Secondly, if you are not a comic book fan or a fan of the Noir Genre in general of course you're not going to like this movie, or this demo reel for that matter.
Finally, even if you don't much care for the subject matter I'd still recommend going to this movie for the production value alone. The whole thing was (is being) shot on a virtual soundstage. No sets have been built, and all the actors are performing infront of a blue screen. This was the only way for Miller and Rodriguez to get the visual feel of the stark black and whites of the comic art.
Anyway, I think it's gonna be awesome.
The Truth:
Johnny Cash could have kicked Bruce Lee's ass if he wanted to.
#3 in a series