Originally Posted by whocarz
Right and wrong are human concepts, and thus defined by humans. Therefore, concrete evidence that killing another human being is wrong exists.
Try this experiment:
Take anyone in the world, doesn't matter who. Now ask him who he loves the most, with all his heart. Take the person he names, and have him watch as you shoot said person in the head. Ask how he feels about that.
Now give this person a job where he makes a good wage for hard work. Once he's done, take all that away from him. Ask how he feels.
Now ask this person what sexual act he would least prefer to have preformed on him. Now have him held down and this act preformed on him. Ask how he feels.
I'm pretty sure for every act he would have a negative feeling.
Very rarely, you might find a person who's response is neutral or positive to above stated acts. Such individuals have most likely been warped by a traumatic life experiance. However this is the exception rather than the rule.
I think your stance on this issue is quite simply, illogical.
Whether something is right or wrong is completely seperate from whether it makes someone feel bad. Sometimes the right thing hurts like a motherfucker. Sometimes the wrong thing feels really good. I find your stance lacking somewhat in logic too.