On a conference table at work---in a movie theatre parking lot in the middle of the day(several times)---on a boulder in the woods in a State Park about ten feet from a trail in broad daylight---on the ground behind a bush in the same State Park in broad daylight---in a car while on lunch at work in broad daylight(many times)---with my sister's friend, in my sister's bed while my sister was in the other room(awake)---in the stall of a mens room at a truck stop---in a car in the parking lot of a bar (It was a birthday present and it was in the front seat. I had power windows and her foot hit the button. Didn't realize the window was down until afterwards. She was quite a screamer and the lot was still filling up. Got a lot of smiles when we walked back in the bar.

)---on a train in Germany in broad daylight---on a bench next to my neighbors pool when he was home---in an empty loft of a poolhouse with a hot brunette while my girlfriend was banging on the door and yelling for me---in my room during a party while my girlfriend and her sister were drinking on the couch outside my room