There are no words to explain the joy of holding your new born baby in your arms. I have to admit there was a time I was skeptical. I though about overpopulation and the horrrors of this world. Then I had a daughter. I can't imagine my world without my beautiful daughter. She is my reason for living. I figure that's a good reason to have children. Yes, she will have to live in a world that has a lot of bad and scary things, but she'll always have me to be there with her; at least until she's an adult. I know that my responsibility is to raise her to be a good member of society and a strong woman who will make her world better. For now, she is my baby.
I have done plenty of things in my life that are noble and great and wonderful. I know that even without my daughter, my legacy is secured in my actions. I want my greatest contribution to be my daughter.
I have financial stability, and she is living in a home that the parents will be together forever. She will not be spoiled, but she will have all the necessitys, all of the building blocks, of development at her disposal. Ther is nothing as pure and selfless as devoting ones self to their child.