Its disgraceful how Annan is pulling the 'illegal war' card. Pure hypocrisy and bitterness. Of course he's going to be pissed off when he is shown for the impotent little weasels that he and his organization are. Of course he's going to whine like a baby when his puny little money-kingdom is overruled by countries who actually have the spine to stand up to insane dictatorships. "Illegal." This from the organization who puts China and Libya in charge of their Human Rights commission. Pure farce.
Russia knew Hussein had WMD. Germany knew Hussein had WMD. France knew Hussein had WMD. China knew Hussein had WMD. The US knew he had WMD. Saudi Arabia knew he had WMD. Israel knew he had WMD. Iran knew he had WMD. The giveaway here was when Hussein actually used them in the Iran-Iraq War. He also used them to kill rebellious Kurds in northern Iraq. It makes the claim that he did not have WMD nonsense, when he dispelled anyone's notion of the matter by USING THEM. He buried missles in the sand. He buried ammunition at the bottom of the Tigris river. Underground bunkers & tunnels. There was an infrastructure in place designed to keep Bad Things out of site of satellites.
The fact that the UN knew all this - but decided to do nothing - besides a policy of appeasing the beast with (broken) resolution after (broken) resolution, is a mark of shame on them. Never mind the fact that many of the above countries also stood to lose $billions$ if their business partner/dictator in Iraq was put out of business, which to me, is the main reason why they refused to support the US & Britain. Now, like spoiled children, they refuse to cooperate in the reconstruction of Iraq.
Theatre, yes. Theatre of the Absurd.
Last edited by powerclown; 09-16-2004 at 07:43 AM..