Couple of questions for the EXPERTS on the ME crisis:
1. Explain (possibly with links although who wrote what will be scrutinized) the current Israelis "right to return" as compared to the Palestinian claim to the land.
2. Explain how the bloodlines of the current "Israelis" are linked to the Jews/Israelites who will have been promised the land in biblical times in the answer to question #1.
3. Where are Palestinians to go? Were they not there at the turn of the century?
4. Explain how suicide bombings are more terrible than the Modernized military tactics used by Israel. I find the suicide bombing tactic DISPICABLE and the LOWEST form of warfare YET it may just be DESPERATION that drives a people to do this. Lets put aside all the "this side hates us and they say this and tell their kids this" CRAP and break down the simple emotion of PRIDE and INTEGRITY. What is really cowardly and what is really honorable.
5. If people could agree (people have not for the last century) that the Palestinians should leave the land...where do they go (asked again).