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Old 09-16-2004, 01:54 AM   #127 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Ustwo

Check it out before saying false statements. You sound like Dan Rather.

I will no longer respond to you until you try reading before you post. Seriously this is silly.
Ustwo, How <b>dare you</b> accuse anyone else who posts on this thread
of saying false statements ? In your post no. 48 on this thread, you twice
stated that Kerry "lied" to congress in his 1971 testimony:
<a href=""></a><p>
Your words (linked above):
<i>Opie I don't know why I bother, but I will try yet again.

Kerry tried to get out of going to Vietnam by getting a deferment to go study in France. It was rejected. He took the quickest way out. I would commend him for his service if he didn't lie to congress etc when he got back.

Kerry TRIED to avoid Vietnam, he failed, he figured out a quick way home getting three purple hearts with zero hospitalization time, and then he lied about his service causing suffering for US POW's. We have what he said to congress on tape, with his long face lying his way to political fortune with the left, that can not be denied. You won't address it I know.</i><p>
I did not expect you to reply to my post, <a href=""></a> because I challenged your accusations
that Kerry "lied" to congress, by posting the conclusion of
that kerry did not lie. Although it was no surprise to me that you ignored
my challenge to your statements, I was very surprised to read that you
used a finding to launch an accusation against another
member who you accuse of "saying false statements". You demonstrate
that you won't admit that you are wrong when confronted with a reliable
and respected source that invalidates a statement you have posted on this
thread, but you are quick to lash out at another member, by using the
same authority,, that I used to refute misinformed
accusations that you made here. You do not hold yourself to the same
standard that you seek to hold others to, and yet you treat others in a
condescending and antagonistic manner. Never admit that you are wrong,
Ustwo, have learned well from
your conduct yourself here, just like he and his puppetmaster Rove conduct themselves in the political arena ! Long on gall and nerve, but short on truth and substance.
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